Daily Devotional

The Cross

by Lise Bachman-Karnes on May 04, 2021

When I see someone wearing a cross I wonder: Is it just something pretty that they bought or were given? Is it sentimental? Or does it represent their faith in Jesus? Sometimes they make a comment such as they are blessed and I feel I can safely assume that they are believers

For awhile I did not wear a cross because I was a deputy probation officer and when I wore a cross my probationers tried to impress me by wearing a cross, carrying a Bible or talking about church. I couldn’t stand the hypocrisy. However, I did encourage them as best I could to get right with God. Sometimes their parents were hoping for that as well.

I do wear a cross now and have for many years. I developed a habit when I was a kid that whenever the lock on the chain reached the cross I would pray. I still do that and it helps me to keep my eyes upon Jesus.

What wearing the cross does for me is remind me that Jesus died an excruciating death on the cross for our sins and He did that so that we could be blameless before the throne if we put our faith in Him. That encourages me to follow Jesus as best I can.

“if any man would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.” (Matthew 16:24 RSV)

What does the cross mean to you?

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