When it comes to spiritual battles, the best defense is a good offense. Too often, we focus solely on resisting sin, standing guard against temptation, and avoiding pitfalls—and these are crucial. But Scripture reminds us that victory is found not just in defense but in active pursuit of what is good.
Paul writes in Galatians 5:16, “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” Notice the order: it’s by walking in step with the Spirit—actively seeking God’s presence, His truth, and His will—that we overcome the pull of sin.
When our hearts are filled with God’s Word, our minds are focused on Christ, and our lives are lived in obedience, we’re not just defending ourselves from sin. We’re advancing, leaving no space for the enemy to work.
Make it your aim today not just to resist sin but to actively seek God. Worship. Meditate on Scripture. Serve others. Share the Gospel. Make time to pray. Let your life be so focused on pursuing the things of God that there’s no room left for anything not of God.
Remember, in Christ, we are more than conquerors—not just standing firm, but moving forward. The best defense is a life offensively rooted in Him.