Daily Devotional

Love Your Neighbor

by Lise Bachman-Karnes on February 12, 2021

“This I command you, to love one another.” John 15:17

My first reaction to the commandment to love one another is “I love people. I’m a very loving person.” But then God brings to mind those whom it is hard to love. My brother, for example. Of course, I love him, but I have to admit that I am not always very loving toward him. In my defense, he has schizophrenia, hearing loss, is mentally slow and makes poor decisions. But Jesus didn’t tell us there were certain people we didn’t have to act loving toward. My other big challenge is my mom who has advanced Alzheimer’s. It is frequently not convenient to care for her needs, even though she is in a care facility and my role is as conservator, not day to day caretaker.

Sometimes it’s easier to love the person who cuts you off in traffic because you will likely never run across them again, or the checker at the grocery store who makes an error. It can be easy to tell him or her to have a good day and mean it. The closer a person is to us the harder it is to consistently act in a loving manner.

I pray for people for whom an ambulance or a fire truck is called, or for those first responders. And again, sometimes this is easier because there is no emotional involvement. But how do we love those closest to us?

For me, imagining the kindness with which our Lord would treat my brother or my mom helps. Another help for me is remembering those closest to me in my prayers. Taking a deep breath and asking God for His love and help provides the strength to love those closest to me.

My goal for 2021 is the same as my goal for 2020:  to be a kinder, gentler Lise. Feel free to hold me accountable.

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