Daily Devotional

Godly Direction

by Justin Linscheid on January 25, 2023

“He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name.”  Psalm 23:3b

Whether you are a new believer hearing this verse for the first time, a follower of God who has heard this verse over a hundred times, or someone who has yet to put their trust in Jesus, this verse has something for you. Regardless of your age in life or your stage in life as a follower of Christ, we never graduate our need for God’s leadership and direction in life. We are in constant movement. Whether we are heading in the right direction or not doesn’t change that. Isn’t it wonderful that we have the Creator and designer of the universe willing to guide us along the right paths?

This world is full of wrong paths, dangerous snares that will trip us up, deceptive distractions, deadly detours, and roads that only end in emptiness and our own destruction. When we pridefully think that we know better than God and go our own way, we inevitably get ourselves into trouble.

Thankfully, God in His infinite grace and patience continues to walk beside us and guides us along the right paths. As we follow God’s direction for our lives, the result is that our lives bring honor to God. Our lives begin to change for the better and bear the kind of fruit that is ripe and delicious. This kind of life reflects God’s wisdom and love and shows the world what a great idea it is to follow God.

Take some time today to reflect on the direction of your life. Does your life feel sort of aimless right now? Or do you feel headed in too many directions at once? Do you feel lost? Have you been walking down an ungodly path? Allow the Good Shepherd to show you the right paths to take in life. Spend time in prayer and reflection on His Word. Get involved in a loving community of Christ-followers who will support your journey with Christ. The Good Shepherd knows the way you should go and desires to lead you.

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