Daily Devotional

God Don't Make No Junk

by Jon Hathorn on June 09, 2020

“For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb” Psalm 139:13

He grew up in Harlem and his mom and dad didn’t really plan on having children. They were teenagers and their son was just a reminder of how irresponsible they had been in their relationship. They were just kids themselves - selfish, backstabbing, greedy with their time and not very loving. Most days this little boy was reminded that he wasn’t wanted and was nothing more than a nuisance. He was ignored most of the time and that was on a good day. He was treated poorly on other days and that was normal behavior he received.  He simply had not been given much positive attention or love at all. Truthfully he was treated like trash and the garbage can by his parents.  One day a man living down the street invited him to come to Sunday School. He didn’t know what Sunday School was all about, but for him it was a chance to get away from home. In addition to that, his parents were glad to have him gone for a while.  That first day in Sunday School he learned about a loving Father who created him and made him. That little boy went home that day a new and different person. When he got home that day, he actually went and got some things out of the wastebasket and took a piece of paper and glue and made a little sign. The sign had garbage pieces glued to the paper and the words, “ God made me, and God don’t make no junk” written on it. What a great reminder. 

You and I were made by the Lord Almighty and He loves us. He cherishes us. As one person said, “If God has a refrigerator, your picture is on it.”  You and I are a one of a kind design. Thank you Lord for the good ft of a unique life and attributes.

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