Daily Devotional


by Jon Hathorn on August 01, 2024

“Therefore exhort one another, and build each other up…” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Have you ever been to an airport and looked around and studied the people? I have! There are all sorts of people, and it would be easy to put many people into subgroups. It’s fascinating to watch people on a plane, or even more fascinating, in the airport. There’s the hurry up and wait group. There’s the anxious group. There’s the businessperson who’s finishing up last minute touches on a presentation or making a deal over the phone. Then there is the entitled, which is my favorite group to watch. Maybe you have moved in and out of that fraternity of the privileged. I’m ashamed to say, I’ve dangled my feet in those waters sometimes. But, in my case, I’m absolutely justified. Isn’t that what we all say? My situation is different. I warrant special treatment. At least, that’s my argument. The truth is that argument is tired, worn-out, and over-used. 

This is what seems to make most sense to me and I have come to understand. Usually, and there are exceptions, entitlement is just another name for selfishness. And my selfishness trumps your comfort. The Apostle Paul has a great insight into what makes relationships work. It’s found in Ephesians 5:21 “Submit to one another out of reverence to Christ.” 

If you want life to work, unselfishness is the key. Don’t demand your rights; instead fight for the rights of others. I have a long way to go in mastering this concept of submission, and maybe you do as well. But I hope to live my life by the words of John the Baptist who said of Jesus, “I must decrease, He must increase.” 

Here are a couple of tips to be more successful with selflessness.

1- hold a door open for someone today

2- pray right now for generosity toward others 

3- ask each person at lunch or dinner today a genuine question:  What are you looking forward to this weekend? What is a great memory of this past week? How could I pray for you?

4- pay it forward

5- volunteer for some organization

6- put your phone away

7- listen carefully and follow up with a question about what the person said

8- pray for people   

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