Daily Devotional

Centered on God

by Justin Linscheid on September 24, 2022

I’m guilty of thinking that certain parts of the Old Testament can be a bit bland. I’ve heard many other Christians share similar sentiments. I’ve also been very blessed to sit under solid Biblical exposition of Old Testament scriptures that has brought God’s Word to life in ways I had not previously seen.

I just finished reading through Leviticus and now I am in the first couple chapters of Numbers. Although much of it can appear as dry as the wilderness the Israelites are travelling through, there are deep wells of spiritual truths for those willing to dig deep. Often our knee-jerk responses can keep us from mining the treasures which are plentiful in God’s Word.

As I sat down to read Numbers this morning, I read in Numbers 2, “Then the Lord gave these instructions to Moses and Aaron: When the Israelites set up camp, each tribe will be assigned its own area. The tribal divisions will camp beneath their family banners on all four sides of the Tabernacle…”

I was just ready to sleepily pass this off as irrelevant to my own life when I glanced down at a study note in my Bible that said, “As they traveled and camped, the Israelites were to arrange themselves by tribe around the Tabernacle. God wanted the Israelites to keep Him in constant focus, making Him the center of all their thoughts and actions…”

Even in the setting up of their camp, God was providing a spiritual discipline and reminder in their lives. They were to be centered on Him. God knows that it is only as we keep Him at the center of our focus and order our lives around Him, that true victory and fulfillment is experienced.

I was once again encouraged that even the more seemingly obsolete portions of Scripture speak relevant truths because the nature of people has not changed and neither has God.  

As you look at how you are setting up the camp of your life, so to speak, is God continually in view? Is He as the center of your vision, thoughts, and actions? God’s Word encourages us to keep God at the center of our lives and homes.

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