Daily Devotional

Amazing Fishes

by Jon Hathorn on December 11, 2024

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible…” Colossians 1:16
I recently had a chance to go snorkeling. It is something Bev and I have done several times before, but it has been a while. Bev and I were visiting and encouraging her niece and husband who are missionaries in Hawaii. As we were driving to the spot - I was thinking about challenges of snorkeling and wasn’t really thinking about the reason for snorkeling.
If you’ve never been snorkeling there a few things that might be a bit awkward:
Sand in mask
Sand in your swimsuit
Sand in your fins
Balancing trying to get your fins on
Water in the mask
But the most trying of all might be simply getting to and into the water.
Yes, the challenge of getting into the water was a reality. We had to walk on lava rock to get to the specific and only entry point. It was a bit rugged and I was not looking forward to walking on this “stuff.” In all honesty I was momentarily distracted and not looking forward to getting in water, simply because it seemed like a bit of a hassle. Mostly because I have extremely tender feet and that was bothering me. I had temporarily forgotten about the beauty and magnificent looks of the fish.
At this point, my wonderful bride Bev was showing enthusiasm of anticipation. And I “buckled down” and got ready. The walk on the lava was not as bad as I thought, but the getting into the water and the splashes in the face were worse than expect. But something happened as I began to sit down.
There they were, those beautiful yellow fish. 12 of them! A fresh level of enthusiasm came over me. The beautiful creation that God made. The viewing of fish over the next 75 minutes was amazing. God did an amazing job in creation. The color and design spectrum is wonderful. I caught a fresh glimpse of God that day. Just pausing for a while and seeing what God has done.
What a special way to appreciate the Lord.

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