Daily Devotional

What Rover Taught Me About God...

by Barbara Zumwalt on February 15, 2024

“The earth is the LORD’s, and all it contains. The world, and those who dwell in it.”  Psalm 24:1.

She was my first cat, and I called her Rover. Most of my previous experiences with cats
were that they were aloof, fearful of contact with most people, or just didn't want to be
bothered. But Rover was different. She had what I considered & "doglike" qualities of
wandering up to people, rolling on her back, and begging for a belly rub. She was a
master at the figure 8 around and between the legs. And she liked to go out on long
adventures. So "Rover" seemed to fit.
As I learned how to properly care for this cat, I prayed God would teach me something
new through this "relationship", I felt a strong love for this creature that had seemingly
so little to offer me.
I provided the shelter and the food. I made appointments for the veterinarian. I ensured
her water and food bowls were filled. And I was the one who bought her toys.
Oh, how Rover loved her toys. She would throw those tiny furry balls of imitation mice
into the air and pounce on them. She chased after those I threw. And the fishing poles I
whipped back and forth were her favorite. I took such joy in watching her play with the
toys I had provided.

One day, while watching her antics, it occurred to me how far above her life form I am.
Sure, her life is precious; but my life is sacred. She was made by God out of His
creative imagination; I was created in His image. Suddenly it dawned on me how God
doesn’t NEED me, but He is pleased when I act in His creation in ways He intended.
Everything we "own" is really something God provided for us. He gave us the skills we
have acquired to be gainfully employed; He opened positions for us to occupy; He
lavishly supplies our every need from food to clothing to shelter. Just as I took great joy
in watching Rover play with her cat toys, God takes great pleasure in watching us use
what He has provided.
God asks so little in return, monetarily. And yet He expects so much.
He provides for us so that we will be a blessing to others. It has been said “Admission,
free; Subscription, everything you’ve got — and it’s the best bargain ever.”
It is God who provides for us and takes great joy as we use His provision to advance
His kingdom.

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